Chamber Monthly Luncheon

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Name: Chamber Monthly Luncheon
Date: February 21, 2020
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Dr. Ernesto Rivera, Cardiologist for the Heart of Texas Heart Associates will be speaking at the Chamber's February luncheon in recognition of National Heart Month.  Dr. Rivera will inform on the importance of heart health and how it impacts our daily lives.

The luncheon will be held at the Brownwood Country Club. Buffet lunch opens at 11:30 AM and the program will begin at noon. The buffet lunch is $14, payable to the Brownwood Country Club.

The February luncheon is sponsored by Heart of Texas Heart Associates.

Event Sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor

  • Heart of Texas Heart Associates Ernesto Rivera MD

Supporting Sponsor

  • Smile Doctors Braces

Door Prize Sponsor

  • Elliott Electric Supply Co.
  • Humphrey Pete's
  • Samantha Rodriguez Photography
Brownwood Country Club
5875 CR 225
Brownwood, Tx
Date/Time Information:
Friday February 21st
Contact Information:
RSVP to the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce.
Lunch buffet is $14 payable to the Brownwood Country Club
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